Life In The Med Lane

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Wrapping Up Second Year of Medical School + Life Update

Hey friends! Long time no blog post. I was itching to write something, at least a little update but life has been crazy lately as second year is winding down. Can you believe that my classmates and I are done with our last classroom exam EVER? How crazy! I can still remember the first exam and how nervous I was, and now it's all over! But before I can celebrate completely, I still have a few things to check off my list - namely something called Board Exams. Say what? This summer, I will be taking the first (out of three) medical licensing exams. This is one of the biggest tests of my career and my dedicated study time will start soon.

I would love to hopefully share more about how I prepared after I take the exams, so that I can give a better idea of what works, didn't work, etc. Also, I wanted to share that I will be taking both USMLE (MD board exam) and COMLEX (DO board exam). A lot of you may know that the AOA and ACGME are in the process of merging the graduate medical education here in the US. Read more about it here. Why I'm hoping to take the USMLE in addition to the COMLEX is to hopefully widen my options for residency programs in the future. But of course, I'll keep you all posted! 

I'll be taking my board exams on the first week of June with 6 days in between the 2 tests. Then, move to my rotation site within the next week. CRAZY! So there's not much of a summer break for me. So for my first year medical student friends, enjoy the summer after your first year! Go travel, go see your family back home - seriously! 

With all of this said, I'm going to TRY to lay low on social media for the next few months. Who else gets addicted to Instagram? Just me? But for real, it does get a bit distracting so I feel that this will help in the mean time! I would love to cross the finish line of second year strong, and hopefully be able to better help you all and share my stories (and struggles) during my board studying time. I'll try to post once in a while, as I do have a few things in store (GIVEAWAYS, anyone!? Stay tuned!) & also maybe share some ways of how I'm handling the stress, which will also be helpful to me so you all can hold me accountable! Also note that this will most likely be a gradual thing, as I get close to test day/month, I will TRY (haha) to be less on social media so I can truly focus. Let me know if you have any tips on how you discipline yourself in this area, especially if you're a student as well as an influencer - gotta find the balance right?  

Also, did I mention my fiance and I are wedding planning?! If you're doing the same and/or got married during medical school and you have tips send them my way, please & thank you! Don't worry, I'll be sure to talk about this process after all is said and done ;) 

Feel free to send me any questions via emails or messages (on Instagram or Facebook) and I will get back to them as best as possible, and definitely after all the craziness that is boards, is over!

Follow me on my Social Media channels:
Instagram: @_dorothyfaye
Twitter: @dorothyfaye
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xo, Dorothy